Use Cases ========= Handling Streaming Responses ---------------------------- In addition to `receiving responses `_ with :meth:`IResponse.deliverBody`, treq provides a helper function :py:func:`treq.collect` which takes a ``response`` and a single argument function which will be called with all new data available from the response. Much like :meth:`IProtocol.dataReceived`, :py:func:`treq.collect` knows nothing about the framing of your data and will simply call your collector function with any data that is currently available. Here is an example which simply a file object's write method to :py:func:`treq.collect` to save the response body to a file. .. literalinclude:: examples/ :linenos: :lines: 6-11 Full example: :download:` ` URLs, URIs, and Hyperlinks -------------------------- The *url* argument to :py:meth:`HTTPClient.request` accepts three URL representations: - High-level: :class:`hyperlink.DecodedURL` - Mid-level :class:`str` (``unicode`` on Python 2) - Low-level: ASCII :class:`bytes` or :class:`hyperlink.URL` The high-level :class:`~hyperlink.DecodedURL` form is useful when programatically generating URLs. Here is an example that builds a URL that contains a ``&`` character, which is automatically escaped properly. .. literalinclude:: examples/ :linenos: :pyobject: main Full example: :download:` ` Query Parameters ---------------- :py:func:`treq.HTTPClient.request` supports a ``params`` keyword argument which will be URL-encoded and added to the ``url`` argument in addition to any query parameters that may already exist. The ``params`` argument may be either a ``dict`` or a ``list`` of ``(key, value)`` tuples. If it is a ``dict`` then the values in the dict may either be scalar values or a ``list`` or ``tuple`` thereof. Scalar values means ``str``, ``bytes``, or anything else — even ``None`` — which will be coerced to ``str``. Strings are UTF-8 encoded. .. literalinclude:: examples/ :linenos: :lines: 7-37 Full example: :download:` ` If you prefer a strictly-typed API, try :class:`hyperlink.DecodedURL`. Use its :meth:`~hyperlink.URL.add` and :meth:`~hyperlink.URL.set` methods to add query parameters without risk of accidental type coercion. JSON ---- :meth:`HTTPClient.request() ` supports a *json* keyword argument that gives a data structure to serialize as JSON (using :func:`json.dumps()`). This also implies a ``Content-Type: application/json`` request header. The *json* parameter is mutually-exclusive with *data*. The :meth:`_Response.json()` method decodes a JSON response body. It buffers the whole response and decodes it with :func:`json.loads()`. .. literalinclude:: examples/ :linenos: :pyobject: main Full example: :download:` ` Auth ---- HTTP Basic authentication as specified in :rfc:`2617` is easily supported by passing an ``auth`` keyword argument to any of the request functions. The ``auth`` argument should be a tuple of the form ``('username', 'password')``. .. literalinclude:: examples/ :linenos: :lines: 7-15 Full example: :download:` ` Redirects --------- treq handles redirects by default. The following will print a 200 OK response. .. literalinclude:: examples/ :linenos: :lines: 7-12 Full example: :download:` ` You can easily disable redirects by simply passing `allow_redirects=False` to any of the request methods. .. literalinclude:: examples/ :linenos: :lines: 7-12 Full example: :download:` ` You can even access the complete history of treq response objects by calling the :meth:`~treq.response._Response.history()` method on the response. .. literalinclude:: examples/ :linenos: :lines: 7-15 Full example: :download:` ` Cookies ------- Cookies can be set by passing a ``dict`` or ``cookielib.CookieJar`` instance via the ``cookies`` keyword argument. Later cookies set by the server can be retrieved using the :py:meth:`~treq.response._Response.cookies()` method of the response. The object returned by :py:meth:`~treq.response._Response.cookies()` supports the same key/value access as `requests cookies `_. .. literalinclude:: examples/ :linenos: :lines: 7-20 Full example: :download:` ` Customizing the Twisted Agent ----------------------------- The main :py:mod:`treq` module has helper functions that automatically instantiate an instance of :py:class:`treq.client.HTTPClient`. You can create an instance of :py:class:`~treq.client.HTTPClient` directly in order to customize the parameters used to initialize it. Internally, the :py:class:`~treq.client.HTTPClient` wraps an instance of :py:class:`twisted.web.client.Agent`. When you create an instance of :py:class:`~treq.client.HTTPClient`, you must initialize it with an instance of :py:class:`~twisted.web.client.Agent`. This allows you to customize its behavior. .. literalinclude:: examples/ :linenos: :lines: 6-19 Full example: :download:` `